Perimenopause and Menopause - The Hot Topic of 2024
It’s the hot topic of the year – menopause (and perimenopause). It’s no fad, it’s not something that’s “in fashion” and will go away. This is a period (or lack of) in a women’s life that is inevitable. So let’s chat about a hobby of mine, strength training!
Optimising Rest and Recovery from Everyday Stresses
Life can be fast paced, non-stop, with so much demand, unless you create an environment for yourself where you optimise rest and recovery from everyday stresses.
Mechanical Stress Causing Musculoskeletal Pain
It’s common practice to blame aging for your body breaking down, for new aches and pains or for it not moving like you used to.
Breathwork Techniques
Let me give you some simple techniques to enhance your breathing game.
The Power of Breathwork
Simple right? We’ve been doing it since the moment we came out of the womb.
Stress, what is it?
We’ve all experienced some form of stress at some point in our lives, whether it be mild or aggressive. We know that being stressed makes us feel like s**t and we have heard how stress can negatively impact our physical and mental health. Let’s take a look at why our physical health is put under pressure when we experience stress.
The Importance of Hydration
Hear me out, because I know that you hear this statement all the time “staying hydrated is so important”. But have you ever actually understood the full picture of WHY it is so important.